adult ependymoma: a patient's story
My father and grandfather, Brigadier General William Warren Welsh, Sr. - 1935
Acton, MA - 1967
Kitty Hawk, NC - 1972
Sisters and Sparkle in Vienna, VA
Mom, Dad and Duchess at home in McLean, VA
McLean, VA "clearing the table"
Elizabeth's graduation - 1986
Pussoms - 2002
Ch. Princeton Tiger
"Twins" - 1998
Horrible side effects of Decadron - 2005
Carol, Steve, Elizabeth - 2003
Cool & Unusual Women's Party - 2003
"Cards of Hope" on my wall at Woodbine Rehabilitation Center- 2009
With my Duck Woods friends, wearing my amazing gift from Anne and Sandy Overbey, a wig named "Samantha"- 2005
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